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Why do we remember sinners?

Around this day, people often ask, "Why do we remember sinners?"
It seems like nonsense! To remember those who've betrayed us. But allow me to explain.
Sinner's Remembrance Day isn't a day to honor and respect those who've gone against Their holy teachings. Sinner's Remembrance Day is a day where we pity those not enlightened.
On this day, we join together and raise funds to enlighten more people. Today is a day where, out of the goodness of our hearts, we pray for sinners (traitors and doubters alike) to be blessed with the knowledge and acceptance of Andromeda's holiness.
Sinner's Remembrance Day is not a day to celebrate those who have strayed from our sacred path, it is a day to mourn. On this day, we mourn those we've lost to the path of sin, and those who refuse to accept Their word at fact.